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Edit your photos in one click!

Here you’ll find 14 custom presets that I've developed while travelling and at home during the quarantine! This pack combines the Tropical & Quarantine presents packs to give you the ultimate package! This pack includes both moblie & desktop versions! 


Why buy my presets?

These presets were designed especially for people of colour! When I first started editing my own pictures I tried A LOT of different presets. I quickly realised there just weren't many out there for people that looked like me. 


Over time I developed my own presets, which worked with my skin and now I'm excited to bring those presents to you all. 


REMEMBER: All photos are different and not every preset is going to work straight away. Little adjustments may be required, try adjusting the white balance, exposure and/or colour saturation.


Refund Policy 

Due to nature of the product, we are not able to offer refunds at this stage. If you have any issues please send over and email to and we will do our best to help you. 

Home & Away Presets -Bundle

£60.00 Regular Price
£50.00Sale Price
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